Quit avoiding sweat! Every day in my practice, I come across patients who don't lose as much weight as they would like. They are losing alright, but not at the optimal rate. When I question them about their eating, they usally are restricting calories adequately. They take their meds as prescribed. Then they usually claim to be exercising. When I question them more closely, it is usually the case that they are taking slow strolls a couple times a week. In most cases they don't sweat much. They don't even need to take a shower when they are done!
Look - if you don't need a shower when you are done, your heart rate is never getting high enough to burn extra calories. Come on folks - wake up! Is your hair more important than your weight? I know it takes some time to wash it and fix it up. I have news for you - it is worth the effort!!!!! When you exercise hard and get a good sweat going your weight will drop more quickly, your inches go down faster, and your health improves dramatically. It makes you live longer and in better health. Is your hair more important than that?
Outside of your relationship with God, I want weight loss to be mission number one! Let's get on this job with great purpose and fervor.