Monday, November 7, 2011

Slow Down

Learn to Slow Down

Are you so busy that you barely have time to eat? Well, scarfing down meals won't help you meet your weight-loss goals. Eating too quickly is one of the leading causes of overeating. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to register the food you eat and send the "I'm full" message to your brain. If you are barreling through your meals in 15 minutes, you are probably eating more than is necessary to satisfy your hunger. Force yourself to slow down. Good, healthy food is one of the true pleasures in our lives — savor and enjoy!

To slow down when eating, keep these tricks in mind:

If you're right-handed, eat with your left hand, and vice versa.

Cut your food into small pieces, and eat your meal one morsel at a time.

Make yourself put your silverware down in between bites.

Take a sip of a beverage in between bites. Water is always best.

I know these hints may sound silly, but they work. If you slow it down, you'll find that you won't need that second helping.

Sit Down and Eat!

Turn it off and put it down! When you're watching television, working on the computer, or reading, it's hard to gauge how much you are eating or how full you are. Get old school at mealtimes — set the table, sit down, and enjoy!

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