Can I Have Caffeine?
Q: What is your take on caffeine — is it good or bad? Should I skip it altogether, or maybe just stick to a daily limit?
A: Caffeine in moderation is a good thing. It improves cognitive function, inhibits insulin resistance, and speeds up your metabolism. The trick is not to overdo it! Too much caffeine can actually make us gain weight by burning out our adrenal glands and releasing stress hormones. For this reason, 400 milligrams (mg) a day should be the limit. (That's the equivalent of one to two large cups of coffee, depending on how strongly it's brewed.)
Some sources of caffeine are better than others. Organic, filtered coffee (not doctored up with sugar, artificial sweeteners, or cream) is okay. Green tea is a better choice because it promotes fat oxidation and is believed to improve insulin sensitivity. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages to one or two a day — and because caffeine is a diuretic, you should drink one glass of water for every caffeinated drink. Also, you should have your last caffeinated drink before noon so that it doesn't interfere with your sleep.
Fat-Burning Caffeine?
If you're interested in caffeine for its fat-burning benefits, try it in the form of a guarana pill or drink. Guarana is a tropical plant native to the Amazon jungle. It contains caffeine, but instead of producing a sudden energy surge and quick drop-off, guarana is absorbed slowly and therefore produces a more moderate energy boost that escalates gradually. Try 5 mg of guarana per pound of body weight, and take it about 40 minutes before your workout.
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