The Right Way to Attack Snacks
I'd be crazy to believe that you will never have a treat. You're human. You're going to eat sugar. You're going to eat chocolate. (Some now argue that chocolate is a health food!) When it comes to snacks, I have two rules: Don't eat them — especially carb snacks — after 9 p.m., and don't eat junk food just because you want a treat. Got it?
So here's the deal: Instead of a processed, artificially flavored peanut butter cup with trans fat and high-fructose corn syrup, have a Newman's Own organic peanut butter cup. Instead of a huge bowl of sugar-free nonfat frozen yogurt that's loaded with chemicals and artificial sweeteners, have half a cup of organic full-fat ice cream. If you're going to have foods that are less healthy, eat real food and not chemicals.
Love cheese and crackers? Try Kashi 7-grain Crackers with Horizon low-fat mozzarella sticks. chips and salsa? Enjoy Guiltless Gourmet baked corn chips with fresh salsa or half a cup of black beans. You get the point. Keep snacks simple, and look for ways to give healthy makeovers to your favorites. Enjoy!
Why "Sticky" Is Icky
I have a zero-tolerance policy for foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup. Train yourself to think "Garbage" when you see the initials HFCS, and just say no. Don't buy "sticky" drinks, like juice, sodas, and performance drinks, that have way too much sugar that you don't need. And don't be fooled into thinking that because diet sodas have fewer calories they're okay. I'll admit that I am a recovering Diet Coke addict, but the artificial sweeteners used in diet soda put us in greater metabolic danger than sugar or HFCS. Choose filtered water from your tap at home when you're thirsty. Not only will you avoid drinking up your calories but filtered water will quench your thirst, fill you up, and help your body run better.
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