What Types of Fish Are Safe to Eat?
Q: I want to incorporate more fish into my diet, however I keep hearing that many types of fish aren't safe to eat. Which fish are the safest and healthiest for consumption?
A: As many of you already know, I am a BIG fish advocate. Certain fish are excellent sources of omega-3s and iodine, which are essential for good thyroid function. The thing about fish is that many types have high concentrations of mercury and other toxins. Some fish contain hormones that could increase the likelihood of cancer growth. Many fish also contain PCBs (highly toxic industrial compounds), which have been linked to lower IQ scores, poor memory, attention problems, and thyroid dysfunction.
Bear in mind, the last thing I want is for you to be afraid to eat fish.You just need to make sure you do your homework and play it safe. Remember, the right kind of fish is high in protein and contains many nutrients that help fight off disease.
Try to eat these nontoxic fish: abalone, Alaska wild salmon, anchovies, US farmed barramundi, Atlantic char, kona and Dungeness crab, Atlantic herring, black sea bass, clams, halibut, Atlantic mackerel, farmed oysters, Pacific pollock, farmed rainbow trout, Pacific rockfish, sablefish, sardines, snapper, stone, tilefish, and canned tuna.
Make sure to stay away from these types, which are more likely to be toxic: Atlantic cod, blue and king crab, Atlantic flounder/sole, bluefin tuna, bluefish, Chilean sea bass, croaker, eel, grouper, king mackerel, lingcod, marlin, orange roughy, Pacific roughy, shad, shark, summer and winter flounder, swordfish, wahoo, white sea bass, wild striped bass, and wild sturgeon.
If you have any questions regarding fish in your area, check out Monterey Bay Aquarium's Web site. There, you can find regional seafood guidelines and receive answers to any fish-related questions you have.
Fish-Oil Supplements
If you're absolutely freaked out about the environmental toxins in fish or you just don't like fish in general, you can (and should!) take a daily fish-oil supplement instead. Your body cannot make the EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, and you need them to survive. Fish-oil capsules allow you to get the nearly miraculous health benefits without exposing yourself to the heavy-metal toxicity and pesticide buildup in some fish.
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