Let's go over a few of your options for beating an emotional craving when it strikes:
Remove the temptation. You can't binge on food that isn't there. Clear your cupboards of all the things you reach for when you're feeling down. Have your hubby hide the kids' Oreos so you don't know where to find them (or better yet, toss them!). Throw out the leftover birthday cake in the fridge. Avoid the chip aisle the next time you go grocery shopping. If it's not available, you can't eat it — simple as that.
Build a support system. Positive support from friends and family is crucial. The next time you find yourself mindlessly staring into the fridge, call a friend or a workout buddy and have him or her talk you off that ledge. Go to the Message Boards and chat with people who are going through the same trials you are. Join a weight-loss group. Go to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting — ANYTHING to keep you from slipping back into old, bad habits.
Spend your time wisely. Find a way to relieve stress and boost your mood that's positive and life affirming rather than self-destructive. Take a bubble bath. Create a new workout playlist for your MP3 player. Plan a summer vacation (maybe at the beach, so you'll have a little motivation to slim down for your two-piece!). Go for a bike ride, walk the dog, pop in a workout video, get a manicure, or splurge on a massage — anything that makes you feel beautiful and healthy. You're far less likely to turn to food when you feel good.
Write it down. Start a journal — and not just to note what you eat. Take an inventory and write about what you're feeling. It'll help you see what's really bothering you, which will allow you to work on a solution instead of trying to find a distraction. If work has you stressed, buckle down for an all-nighter to get that project off your desk. If you had a fight with a friend, take a few deep breaths and try communicating with her, or simply give the two of you time to cool down, and have faith in the fact that this, too, shall pass.
Things sometimes suck. That's an unfortunate fact of life. We're sometimes thrown a sudden curveball, and when that happens it's important to attend to yourself in positive ways. Bingeing on food, smoking, drinking, or any other indulgent habit may be a temporary relief, but you will only feel worse in the long run. Keep a peristent focus on really changing those habits and you'll break the cycle.
Remove the temptation. You can't binge on food that isn't there. Clear your cupboards of all the things you reach for when you're feeling down. Have your hubby hide the kids' Oreos so you don't know where to find them (or better yet, toss them!). Throw out the leftover birthday cake in the fridge. Avoid the chip aisle the next time you go grocery shopping. If it's not available, you can't eat it — simple as that.
Build a support system. Positive support from friends and family is crucial. The next time you find yourself mindlessly staring into the fridge, call a friend or a workout buddy and have him or her talk you off that ledge. Go to the Message Boards and chat with people who are going through the same trials you are. Join a weight-loss group. Go to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting — ANYTHING to keep you from slipping back into old, bad habits.
Spend your time wisely. Find a way to relieve stress and boost your mood that's positive and life affirming rather than self-destructive. Take a bubble bath. Create a new workout playlist for your MP3 player. Plan a summer vacation (maybe at the beach, so you'll have a little motivation to slim down for your two-piece!). Go for a bike ride, walk the dog, pop in a workout video, get a manicure, or splurge on a massage — anything that makes you feel beautiful and healthy. You're far less likely to turn to food when you feel good.
Write it down. Start a journal — and not just to note what you eat. Take an inventory and write about what you're feeling. It'll help you see what's really bothering you, which will allow you to work on a solution instead of trying to find a distraction. If work has you stressed, buckle down for an all-nighter to get that project off your desk. If you had a fight with a friend, take a few deep breaths and try communicating with her, or simply give the two of you time to cool down, and have faith in the fact that this, too, shall pass.
Things sometimes suck. That's an unfortunate fact of life. We're sometimes thrown a sudden curveball, and when that happens it's important to attend to yourself in positive ways. Bingeing on food, smoking, drinking, or any other indulgent habit may be a temporary relief, but you will only feel worse in the long run. Keep a peristent focus on really changing those habits and you'll break the cycle.
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