Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Starting Day 6 of the KE Diet - Update

I have now completed 5 full days of the KE Diet on cycle number 2.  I have lost 6 pounds even on this cycle and my total weight loss with cycle one and two is 26.2 pounds.  I am trying to reach a total net of 30 pounds lost by the end of cycle 2 which will give me 30 pounds lost in 30 days.  I have some thoughts about the whole process I have been going through, and I will share them with you.

Many patients have commented (when they see me in the office) that they could not do this because they would't want their friends, co-workers, family, etc. to see the Nutritional Smart Tube in place.  They go on to say that the tube would might look funny or give their associates the wrong idea - in other words, the associates might think they were sick or something like that.  Well, I can tell you, that if you think this is about them, you are wrong.  The reason to undertake this revolutionary treatment called the KE Diet, has nothing to do with them - it has everything to do with what you want to achieve.  You want better health, lower weight, and lower body fat.  You want to feel better, be more active, and live a fuller more productive life.  

I embrace the KE Diet as a way to make me more healthy, a way to manage my weight effectively, and a way to feel and function better.  As a result, I am positive about it.  Seventy % of Americans are overweight or obese.  I love talking to people about this tube, and the whole process.  This is a very effective tool to help people manage the overweight and obese condition, and instead of hiding it,  I want to get the conversation about managing overweight and obesity out in the open so people aren't intimidated by the idea of taking it on.  When I do this, my circle of family, friends, etc. now know what my goals are and they are likely to support me rather than sabotage me.

So, when you are thinking about a lifestyle change, like the KE Diet, embrace all the positives, and bring your family members, co-workers, and friends on board with what you are doing.  They will be impressed with both your commitment, and your results.


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