Battling Baggy Skin
Q: I have excess skin after weight loss. What should I do?
A: I hear this question all the time, and I've got good news and bad news. Okay, bad news first: The skin is an organ and not a rubber band — it can only stretch and tighten so much. It has nothing to do with how quickly you lose weight and everything to do with your genetics, weight, and age. The younger you are, the more collagen you have; collagen is what gives the skin its elasticity and ability to shrink after weight loss or pregnancy.
Ready for the good news? You are no longer unhealthy and obese! Let's take a look at your scorecard. You have significantly decreased if not eradicated your chances of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, arthritis, GERD, gout…the list goes on! And now that you are healthier, you should be feeling better both physically and emotionally. I am even willing to bet that your weight-loss success is motivating others around you to get healthy as well!
Nip and Tuck?
Of course, surgery is an option. Cosmetic surgery — such as a tummy tuck — can remedy the situation effectively, but this kind of surgery is costly and painful. My advice after weight loss is to keep the weight off for a year. If you still have loose skin and it really bothers you, then and only then consider a tummy tuck of other procedures. No matter what, please do not let the thought of some extra skin deter you from losing weight or keeping the weight off — and more important, improving your health!
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