Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Some Thoughts On My KE Diet Experience

1.     It pays to be committed and motivated.  Don’t do this if you are not ready.
2.     Any hunger I experienced was more “head hunger” – it was triggered by cues associated with eating but it wasn’t real “body hunger” or hunger associated with weakness due to lack of nutrition.
3.     I drank a lot of water – 100 ounces a day minimum.  This helped.
4.     Make plans to stay busy every day (especially at supper time) – it makes the experience go faster and it keeps you from thinking about eating.  Going to work was actually good for me while on this diet.
5.     Getting out in to the community to shop and run errands was good for me – people would be curious about the tube.  I would tell them about it and they thought it was cool.
6.     Weighing every day was motivating and kept me focused.
7.     Checking my ketones was positive re-enforcement.
8.     Having the tube in was never at any point painful or uncomfortable.  There was an “adjustment period” of 24 hours or so as I got used to the fact it was there.
9.     I realized that I had spent a lot of time over my lifetime obtaining and consuming various kinds of foods.  My brain has developed a “reward response” to this.  With the Nutritional Smart Tube, this was taken away, and I was forced to examine this whole phenomenon more closely.
10.  In light of the last point – I was forced to see food in a new light.  Food is nutrition that should be used to keep my body healthy.  Eating it for the primary purpose of pleasure is a mistake.  My pleasure needs to come from other areas of my life.
11.  The KE Diet prepared my mind for the diet that follows – a diet of meal replacement shakes twice daily plus one reasonable meal.  The meal replacements solve the nutrition piece and take the focus off all the effort of obtaining and eating food. After the KE Diet, I don’t think about what I’m missing.
12.  The KE Diet prepared my physiology for the diet that follows – I am satisfied with small amounts of food and I don’t feel hungry.  This is how the ketosis of a low carb diet works – it makes you full and satisfied easily, cuts down on hunger, and it cuts down on cravings. 
13.  I am glad I am going through this experience.  It will help me serve my patients better.
14.  Embrace your journey of weight loss and better health.  Don’t hide it or keep it a secret.  Get your circle of friends, family, and associates on board – let them know what your goals are and what you are trying to do.  Getting their support is a good thing. 
15.  Finally, the KE Diet is exactly as advertised – it will produce an encouraging, rapid weight loss, and it is an excellent jumpstart to prolonged weight loss.  For me the KE Diet is serving as a “Nutritional Bridge” to a “New Nutritional Life (a life of eating for my good health).”  In my 10 years of practicing Obesity Medicine, I have never seen any treatment tool that is this effective.

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